Dr. Craig Pierce, Founder and CEO of Southwest Family Guidance Center will be presenting at the 22nd Annual Head to Toe Conference on the topic of Developmental Implications of Trauma, Abuse, & Neglect.
This session is scheduled for April 19, 9:45-11:15 am, repeating April 19, 1:45-3:15 pm. (Sessions #45 and #53)
Session Title & Description
Developmental Implications of Trauma, Abuse, and Neglect
What does it means to be trauma and developmentally informed? This session addresses principles of neuroscience and brain development in relation to the effects of trauma, abuse, and neglect. Discover the importance of early childhood development and attachment in relation to sequential neuro-development. Learn about the relationship between the arousal continuum and the capacity for self-regulation and walk away with an understanding of the “function of behavior” and how to analyze “internal working models” to choose practical and effective interventions in school settings.